** 2011 2012**
2011 draw its curtain, we march towards 2012 with higher and greater expectations. this is a last entry for this year...huhu..last friday in 2011...not much an achievements for is year xcely..ermmm~~ingat dapat baking ma next bun~`no~~`no..impian tuk memiliki rumah sendri n kereta besar pun belum tercapai..kereta 2012 insyaAllah..rumah another year insyAllah..tapi me rily to see ma baby EAN Growing Up membesar bak juara gituuu~~~ (pandai serba serbi..cepat belajar)
so many happy n silly things happen through this year...nak2 part yang gaduh ngan zarina tu..hatoii..bodoh tul rase..mcm budak2 padahal mak2 dah..if u zarina read this..i'm so very sorry 4 how i spoke 2 u da other day...what i said was insensitive n hurtful...i was angry but still i've no right 2 take it out on u... u don’t deserve dat kind of behavior from me (dat shows how not mature i am )
happy~happy part tak yah cakap lah..i'm a happy mother, happy wife with the happy life n a lotz of happy bff 2 ;D
hope 2012 bringz uolss guys a fabulous life with full of great achievements and experiences...double dose of health n happiness topped with loads of good fortune..tak lupa juga amalan untuk akhirat ya kawan2..semoga kita diberkati ALLAH (patutnyew ni wish tuk maal hijrah erk..atoii aku ni..)Have a gr8 year ahead! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!