Wednesday, August 18, 2010



kenape lelaki susah sangat nak bagi pasangan die mungee...?Women love receiving flowers. . BUT Men think flowers are stupid...alasan2 dari laki ku yang tak leyh aku dengar (lelaki lembut je yang suke bunge....bunge bukan boleyh makan..bek beli makanan ) hampeh jawapan itu sume... Men think: Flowers die, they don’t do anything when they are alive, they are expensive, and they are a cliché...bunge tu terapi minda seorang wanita tau,soping.coklet..etc..huhu..The act of giving flowers elicits a real smile (as opposed to a fake, oh-that-was-nice smile) more often than other gifts of similar cost, refer pade kajian yang dibuat oleh Jeannette Haviliand-Jones, psychologist at Rutgers University  lelaki conditioned to react very positively to a real smile...ssoooo.. pe lagik..tadek alasan lah..huh ngan orag tersayang pun nak bekire tee..?FYI (xpecialy ma hubby yg rajin membace blog ni)
The presence of flowers triggers happy emotions, good cheer, heightens feelings of life satisfaction, flowers also affects social behavior in a positive manner far beyond what is normally perceived to be...soo..kalo ayang bg org munge 4sure  u  bring good cheer inside me  and muke org pun bemunge2 ajew slalu..huhu..lemme share 1 bunge punyew kisoh yang terjadi kepada kak lily (member me kat opis ni) laki die nak romentik2 (ader gak la jalan nak mengambil hati isteri kan) bagi la bunge..banyak bunge..diolognyew beh kurang gini lah..

 lokasi -pasar kuantan ketika beli umpan pancing, kak lili dalam kete..abang kat luar

laki kak lily = ayang ader suprais ni
kak lily = suprais aper
laki kak lily = pejam mate dulu
kak lily = ok
laki kak lily = tadaaaa (sambil menguhur sebeban bunga kekwa yang dibungkus dengan kertas suat kaba cine)
kak lily = bunge upernyew..tapi kenape bunge ni.. (owhh kicewa,tapi masih tersenyum)
abang kak lily = ala..bunge jugak...
kak lily = time kasih abang..sayang abang (walaupun dalam hati..syg nak ros 1 pelok la)

eerrmm..untung kak lily..tahan 2 minggu gak bunge cine smayang die..hehe..takpe kak lily..boleyh diperbaiki...tapi akhirnyew..kak lily dapat gak bunge ros 1 pemelok die tu...sape bagi erk... (me n kak k..sempena beshday die last year)..gumbira gile member..senyum sampai tinge..hehe..aku bile plak nak dapat gak nyew erk..HHRRMMM


  1. ye laa sayam....abam bagi nanti yeah sayammm

  2. eyhh..abang kite la..hehe..janji yeww....tapi tanak la yg cam kak lily tu...

  3. bunga matahari cukup ler..tak pun bunga tahi ayam..muahahah
