Tuesday, November 22, 2011

{* Glamorous Gala Dinner Night *}

**mama 1 nite off**

~~backdated entry~~
13 nov munya story

oww~~can u see me the skinny 1!

mama n gojes aunty ilie

mira ~ luvly bai ~ ilie ~ soon 2 be wife AWIN

zumba?looks like an octopus dancing in the middle of da sea je..besepah..

the host...kak engku yall..tengku puan lovez her badly..

crazy me n aunty ili..

dalam ladies oso can for the kamracrazy

party is over...home at almost 1.am.. tqvm aunty ilie darlink for feach me then send me back home plak..hugs~~hugs~~


  1. kahkahkah..aku suke aku suke tang muke tuh..

  2. alaaaa ilie...aku lupe nak letak gambo koll abam kau yg tau di perantauan..kahkahkah
