Tuesday, January 15, 2013

{* Am i having a boy or a girl? *}

Boy or girl I don't mind, I believe its only ALLAH who can determine d sex of a my child! tanak pecaya cakap makcik2..tanak pecaya pade kalender cino ...Does it really matter as long as my baby is healthy, sempurna dah cukup...siapa tanak gegurl kan..nak2 dah ade lelaki..tapi semuanya dah ditentukan..im juz redha..insyaAllah..ade lah rezeki tu nanti..

end of this month my pregnancy is about 5 month old..n my baby bump kip showing..besoo jugekk jahhhh..me n hubby decided nak scan to find out the sex of our baby..huhu..even tak kesah..tapi nak buat preparation la seskek...Alhamdullilah smoga slamat sehingga melahirkan..aminnn...

{* colour blocking *}

***backdated entry***
dah 7 bulan terbengkalai..huhu
rentetan dari kegilaan mama

** coloursss coloursss colourss**

colours blocking for kids..

its colors crazy....uhuiiiieeeeee....luv fashion..so wat r u waitink for..let "colour" ur kids..huhu...baju kale pink diharamkan..tapi juz pink appa diden mention other colours..soo...itz fine to wore a blue pants with a red shirt..auchhh...tapi opkos la biler colour blocking ni org akan samakan ngan Kpop..eyhh...its a the hotters trend for this season ok..dah tak trend sok..kite simpan hajeeelewww...

color cardi...boleyh beli online kat cini..neenee fashion murah n santik2...